Spring Cleaning Made Simple

Though this really warm weather may cast doubt, it actually is still Spring and not yet Summer. It’s coming, though! Which means if you haven’t started Spring cleaning you’re running out of time until it becomes Summer cleaning. It’s an understandably daunting task which is why so many people put it off as long as…

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4 Ways To Master Spring Cleaning

I may not be one for waking up early but I’ll do it for a good old fashioned deep clean! There’s something so satisfying about scrubbing out your bathtub and seeing how absolutely gross it was before and how blindingly clean it is now! Ahhh… I’m instantly soothed just thinking about it. With the first…

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Tips On How To Stay Organized

The holidays have been over for a while, but you still may not have recovered yet and you don’t want to wait until spring to start cleaning. Here are some tips on how to really stay clean and organized. #1. Set Goals Set deadlines for yourself and make it clear what you want to accomplish.…

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19 Unusual Household Uses for Lemon Juice

When life gives you lemons, use them to clean your house. Juicy, aromatic and highly acidic, lemons bring out the flavor in sweet and savory foods but they nearly always play a supporting role in the kitchen. Stop relegating them to the rim of your glass and give these winter citrus fruits their due —…

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