“Unpacking The Boxes”
Are you new to the Oklahoma City metro area? Maybe you grew up in Oklahoma but have new friends who just relocated to Oklahoma? Perhaps you’ve noticed a mom from a different state enrolling her children in your child’s school. If you said “yes” to any of these questions you have a wonderful opportunity to extend a warm welcome to these new individuals in Edmond/OKC and share with them there is a local, community class for them.
On the flip side, maybe you are an Oklahoma newbie and you feel detached, perhaps lonely? Maybe you are seeking opportunities to establish connections? Well, you are the very ladies we are seeking to help acclimate to your new environment! We welcome everyone who needs a little something extra in their life right now!
So, without further ado, let me share something exciting we have coming up called the “Unpacking the Boxes” class. This class draws insight and inspiration from the book “After the Boxes Are Unpacked: Moving On After Moving In” by Susan Miller. This class is specifically tailored to new women in our metro area. Upon joining, each woman is promptly introduced to fellow newcomers and receives a very heartfelt reception from the Memorial Road Church of Christ hostesses who are genuinely interested in getting to know each one of you.
It promises to be engaging, informative, and a healing experience that addresses the unique challenges of relocating. The lessons, rooted in biblical teachings, are designed to guide you through the process of overcoming the pain and sense of loss associated with leaving behind the familiarity of the past and embracing your community.
This class is for women of all ages, and tentatively childcare will be provided through age 5. The class is FREE and there is an optional book available. You can also purchase the book at the first-class session.
You are required to register prior to attending and it will meet every Wednesday from September 6-November 8 at 9:30-11:30 AM. Register for Unpacking the Boxes here.
For more information contact us or Memorial Road Church of Christ at 405-478-0166. The classes are located at 2221 E. Memorial Rd, Edmond, OK 73013.