Fall Yardwork Do’s and Don’ts

Fall is a wonderful season for gardening. The weather is cool and pretty much perfect for getting out and doing the much needed work. 

Here are a few things that will help you this fall season. 


  1. Do not remove what is considered habitat for the insects. These items could be logs and brush piles, etc. Leaving the habitats that have been naturally created allows a safe place for insects throughout the winter. 
  2. Do not prune trees and shrubs. Fall may seem like the best time to cut back on those items, but cutting them can cause them to sustain damage during the cold months. Prune all of these when they have completely gone dormant. 
  3. Do not let piles of leaves smother your yard. Leaving leaf coverage on your lawn can choke your grass. 
  4. Do not leave out pots that are vulnerable to cold weather. When soil freezes inside some types of pots it can cause them to crack. It is best to store your pots empty in your garage.
  5. Do not let those weeds hang around. A little weeding will pay off for the next year. 


  1. Plant everything and by that we mean anything and everything. A lot of plants benefit from the fall rainfall. Plants that are properly planted will be ready to bloom in the spring. All perennials should be planted before the end of October and spring bulbs, trees, and shrubs should be planted before the first freeze.
  2. Think Spring. Look over each area of your yard/garden and think about what did well throughout the year. This will help you with your plans for next spring. 
  3. Remove all leaves from flower beds. You do not want your plants and flowers to be smothered. 
  4. Add mulch. Mulch will help protect your beds from extreme temperatures. Mulch can also help retain the moisture needed, during a cold and dry season. 
  5. Water thoroughly throughout the fall. Watering will help the newly planted perennials, shrubs, and trees establish their roots. 

Go out there and get that yardwork done and enjoy the beautiful weather!