Memorial Day in Oklahoma

On Memorial Day, take some time to remember those courageous people who gave their lives for our country. They deserve all the respect and honor for their ultimate sacrifice for our country.
And as we spend this day with our family and friends, you can enjoy the fun-filled Chuck Wagon Festival that is held at The National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum – 1700 NE 63rd St, Oklahoma City. There will be activities for all ages – chuck wagon food samples, arts and crafts activities such as bandana decorating, rope making with Ward Family Trick Ropers, face painting, and children’s craft stations. There will also be butter making in the classroom, artisan demonstrations, photos with longhorns, and a whole lot more.
This event will happen on the 29th and 30th of May, from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. The admission fee is $15 a person, but it would be free for museum members and kids 12 and under.
On the 31st of May, there will also be a free Memorial Day ceremony that is held at Veterans Memorial Park in 1900 SE 4th St in Moore at 10 a.m. featuring a memorial service honoring a veteran that has passed away this year. The 45th Infantry Division Museum located at 2145 NE 36th St. will also feature a tribute to people who have served in our Nation’s Armed Forces at 10 a.m. There will be a helicopter flyover, massing of the colors, patriotic music, and distinguished guest speakers.
You may also check out this website for more Memorial Day events.
Hopefully your weekend is spent with family honoring all of the fallen heroes who have made tremendous sacrifices to bring freedom to our lives!