Tips on Keeping Your Guests Feeling Welcome
During the holiday season everyone is traveling, if you are not, that usually means people are coming to your home to stay with you. We’ve got some tips on how to keep your home welcoming and your guests happy!
- Keep your guest’s room clutter free for when they arrive(sometimes its a surprise). I know at my house we sometimes used the guest room closet for extra storage, but it is at least organized before guests come. If they’re staying in one of the kids’ rooms, make sure all their stuff is put up, leaving some room for the guest’s belongings.
- Keep your guest informed on what the plans are. Whether it’s what time the food will be ready, or if you will be gone in the morning dropping the kids off somewhere, let them know so they are not confused or so that they don’t feel like they are intruding.
- Fresh towels and wash rags! Always have freshly cleaned towels. Leave them nicely folded on their bed before they arrive so they do not have to dig around for them. If you can, make sure you give your guest your nicest towels and linen. Maybe this is an excuse to go shopping!
- Leave some mini toiletries out on the bathroom counter just in case they forget theirs. You do not have to go out of your way and buy them their own toiletries, but little shampoo and conditioner bottles you’ve accumulated from hotels are perfect.
- During the holidays, include your guests in your family traditions. It’s always a little uncomfortable when you feel like you aren’t part of the festivities, so make sure everyone is involved.
- Let your guests help out sometimes. Don’t feel like you have to do everything. If your guest asks if there is anything they could do to help, let them set the table before dinner or help stir. This way you have some help in the kitchen and you can talk while you work.
- Have some coffee ready for them in the morning, even if you aren’t a coffee drinker. Coffee in the morning makes people feel at home and relaxed.
- Give your guests privacy when they need it. Sometimes you need your alone time when you are visiting family. If you have a TV in your guest room, that is a bonus your guest would enjoy! If not, leave a book or some magazines by the night stand.
- Leave a little care box in the bathroom with Advil, cold medicine, band-aids, or any little thing your guest might need in the middle of the night.
- Leave a candle with one of your favorite scents in their room and a box of matches. Candles always make everything cozier.
We hope these tips help you this holiday season! I need to work on some of the list above myself! If you have any other tips, let us know.