Broadway and 33rd construction!
It’s always nice to get home after work. It has been a long day and all you want is to get back and relax with the family. The comfortable lazy boy is calling your name and asking for you to take a nap while watching some television. All you need to do is grab your keys, get in your car and drive home. However you may need to find a better way to get home if you need to take Broadway or 33rd. On July 20th construction was started at the intersection of Broadway and 33rd. The project is going to cost around 5.1 million. Broadway is going to be reduced to two lanes in each direction. 33rd is going to be reduced down to one lane. Ultimately the hassle of this construction project isto create more space and efficiency for future drivers. Drivers will still have access to all the businesses around but they should be careful when choosing the time of day. The Red Team just wants to make sure everyone knows about upcoming projects in Edmond! Hopefully this information was helpful! If you have any questions about housing feel free to call us!!