Wounded warrior, Rusty Dunagan, fundraiser info!
The RED Team sent out a post card this week about a couple fundraisers for the Dunagan family and if you are on our mailing list you will be receiving a post card soon! If you are not on our mailing list and would like to be added, email kiley@realestateinedmond.com you name, address, and phone number.
When: March 10th, 2014 – 7pm
Where: Harkins Theater
What: The special guest for the evening will be Medal of Honor recipient and Gary Sinise Foundation Ambassador, Sammy L. Davis. Special performance by
John Rich of the country duo ‘Big & Rich’ and “Lonestar’
When: March 11th, 2014, 5:30 p.m. Reception and 6:30 p.m. Dinner
Where: National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum
1700 NE 63rd St, Oklahoma City
Cost: $150 for both events or a $100 for dinner at the National Cowboy Hall of Fame
More info about the Dunagans’ story can be found at KFOR or the Dunagans’ facebook page
More info about the fundraiser events for the Dunagans can be found at http://www.garysinisefoundation.org/help_us/ita_donations