Need more trees?
This past year I know of quite a few people who have lost trees and would like to replace them! Well, here is your opportunity… the Urban Forestry Department has a few different replanting opportunities on the calendar that might work out in your favor! The main event is the Foster?A?Tree program where the City will purchase a tree to plant in the right?of?way of a public street, and the adjacent resident agrees to water it and provide basic care for two years. And the City says “basic care”, they said they just want you to watch out for the tree, not run it over with your car or lawn mower, and notify the Department if it is not looking very healthy!
If you are able to get a FREE tree, it must go in the right?of?way, which is usually within about twelve feet of the curb. Your home must also be located within Edmond City limits. Sign up soon so you don’t miss out. Go to for more information.
More infomation and FREE tree opportunities can also be found at