Get Your House Ready for Spring has some great suggestions for getting your house ready for spring. Take a look at the checklist and go ahead and get ready for Spring, because it will be here before we know it!
The return of spring heralds a flurry of activity around the house, when a welcome feeling of renewal inspires us to clean, freshen, and get organized — and thawing temperatures lure us outdoors to get back into the garden and help things grow.
Now is the time to swap heavy quilts and blankets for lighter-weight bedding. Be sure to wash and thoroughly dry all bedding before storing, suggests Donna Smallin, author of Organizing Plain & Simple (Storey), because body oils are what attract moths and insects. Stow them in under-bed boxes, zippered bags, or vacuum-seal storage bags, which save space and protect against insects. Insert cedar or lavender sachets for extra freshness.
– Flip or rotate your mattress. Check the warranty card for the manufacturer’s instructions and recommendations.
– Air out throw rugs on a clothesline to freshen. Steam clean or shampoo wall-to-wall carpeting.
– Wash pillows and curtains to help reduce allergens and dust mites.
– Change smoke and carbon monoxide detector batteries.
– Organize and thoroughly clean out kitchen cupboards and the fridge, discarding canned goods and other items that are past their expiration dates.
– Organize the basement and inspect for mold. Open doors and windows to thoroughly ventilate the area.
Now it’s time to get to work! Have fun!