5 Things to do NOW to Sell Your Home In 2011
1. Reality check yourself.- Usually the first thing sellers
start thinking about is price, but even before that, sellers need to
ask themselves a couple questions. First you should get real about
what your goals really are. Why do you want or need to sell? And how
badly – how important is it to you? What would it take to make
selling make sense? Take a look at your mortgage account and find out
how much you owe and what your payoff amount would be. Then, finally,
talk with Kim and Terra about selling your home. Kim and Terra have a
great track record of successfully selling homes in your area so give
them a call to get started!
2. Figure out the lay of your local land.- National blogs and
media outlets offer all sorts of useful advice about whether, how and
when to sell your home, but there’s one thing that sort of advice
cannot convey: what’s going on in your local market. Every market is
different, and you can neither know what to expect when you list your
home for sale, nor implement smart strategies for getting your home
sold without knowing what’s going on in yours. Ask Kim and Terra to
walk you through this process and have them explain what they are
going to do to get your home sold in this Edmond, Oklahoma City
3. Tour Nearby Open Houses- Your job, as the seller of your
home, is to present a compelling package to buyers – compelling enough
to make them sign away 30 years of their lives and the vast majority
of their worldly possessions in exchange for your home. Go visit other
open houses to compare and see what you can do to make your property
comparable to other. Never stop trying to make yours better!
4. Formulate a plan- Collaborate with your Realtor, Kim and
Terra, to put an action plan in place. Kim and Terra will give you a
Seller Packet that includes almost everything that you will need to
know about selling and also list all the services that will be
provided. Decide up front if your home sits on the market for X
number of days with no offer, you’ll lower the price to Y.
5. Do your prep work, fix and pre pack- If you are sure you’re
selling in 2011, and want to put your holiday vacation time to good
use, make a list of all those little repairs you’ve been wanting to do
forever, call up your neighborhood handy person and get them done.
Loose knobs and handles, double-hung windows that are painted shut,
the frayed carpet on the steps, that broken bathroom tile – fixing
those things can give your place that extra advantage that other
seller don’t have. Be ready before you are forced to do repairs when
you get an offer!
Call Kim and Terra today to discuss selling your home in 2011. We
look forward to helping YOU sell your home as quickly as possible!