City of Edmond’s TotalCare Ambulance Program

With TotalCare, You’re Totally Covered!

 As a City of Edmond residential utility customer, you have the opportunity to participate in the TotalCare Ambulance Program.  In the event you need an ambulance for a medical emergency, with TotalCare, you’re totally covered! TotalCare ambulance coverage provides you and permanent residents of your household emergency ambulance service through EMSA.

Each year from October 1 to October 30, residents will have the opportunity to opt in or opt out of the program. You can do so by calling Utility Customer Service at (405) 359-4541.

It is important to note that if you did not opt out last year, you are enrolled in the program. To confirm, please check your utility bill statement for the $3 monthly charge. No action is required should you want to remain at your current status. If you are not enrolled and want to sign up or want to opt out of the program, you MUST call the Utility Customer Service department at (405) 359-4541 to do so.


The cost is only $3 per month, which will be billed on your utility bill. The first billing cycle for each year begins in November. All new participants opting into TotalCare will have coverage effective November 1st.

For renters that do not pay a drainage utility bill:

Apartment owners are required to notify tenants if they choose to opt out of the TotalCare program. If you do not pay a City of Edmond utility bill and your apartment has chosen not to participate, you can call (405) 396-2888 and sign up individually for EMSA’s TotalCare program.

Choosing to Participate

You can opt in or opt out of the program during the month of October by calling Utility Customer Service at (405) 359-4541. If you chose to opt in, you will be charged the $3 monthly fee on your utility bill beginning November 1. Please make sure all permanent residents in your home over the age of 18 are listed on your utility account. If you choose to opt out, you may be responsible for out of pocket expenses associated with treatment, should you require EMSA ambulance care. The cost of emergency ambulance care begins at $1100. Please note that the customer calling to opt out must be the utility customer.

What is Not Covered

TotalCare does not cover non-emergency transports to and from doctors’ offices, dentists’ offices, physical therapy centers, pharmacies and other facilities. A non-emergency transport is an ambulance transfer that does not end at a hospital emergency room. Non-emergency transports are fully covered only if insurance or other third-party coverage covers a portion of the claim, and if a physician certification statement (establishing medical need for the ambulance transport) is provided. When no insurance or third-party coverage is available, TotalCare members pay a reduced fee (40 percent off the standard non-emergency rate) for medically necessary non-emergency transports.


EMSA will collect payment from your insurance, Medicaid or Medicare, if you participate in the ambulance program. To receive TotalCare benefits, you must provide EMSA with your insurance/third-party payer information and furnish any information requested by your insurance company after a transport. Out of pocket expense will be covered by your TotalCare membership.

For More Information

Call Utility Customer Services at (405) 359-4541 to speak to a customer service representative about the program. Or go to

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