Tax Credit Count Down
Just a reminder that there is only 2 months 66 days, to be exact, left for the $8000.00 Tax Credit! It is for first time home buyers or for buyers who have not bought a home in the last three years. If this might be you, then you need to start seriously thinking about finding the perfect house soon. This is a once in a lifetime tax credit, or at least I do not think the government will decide to give another $8000 tax credit again! You know, they always say you fall in love when you least expect it. Talk to a lender today and get pre approved! Or call me and I can refer you to a lender and help you get started. From there we will look at houses and hopefully find the perfect place for you to start building memories in your own home. And remember, if you ever know of anyone wanting to buy or sell a home you can always refer him or her to us because referrals are the best compliment we could ever receive!